On the 24th of February in 1955 Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California. As a child, still unnamed, he was put up for adoption by his biological parents, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. It did not take long until the child was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs, who also gave the name Steven Paul Jobs. Clara and Paul lived an easy life in Mountain View (which today is known as Silicon Valley) where she worked as a accountant and Paul as a machinist and veteran. The child liked to work with his father in the garage, where they would reconstruct electronics, a hobby that later on had a huge impact on Steve Jobs life.
Jobs was often bored in school which led him to be known as a prankster in elementary school. During the period that Jobs was enrolled at Homestead High School he got to know Steve Wozniak, who later on became his partner at Apple. They both had a genuine interest for electronics which created a strong bond between them. It was this bond that made them start the company Apple and create the first computer for the ordinary person.