Family Sharing For Apple

Family Sharing For Apple

The world is becoming a dimension full of digital information. Apple has taken this to a whole new level with the introduction of iTunes and the App Store. Apple has now gone even further, with the amazing ability to share these purchases with the whole family. One credit card linked up to a maximum of … Read More

Apple Advertising From Then Till Now

Apple Advertising From Then Till Now

1984 was the year with both up and downs. Apple introduced the famous”Mac”; Macintosh personal computer. The first commercial was directed by Ridley Scott, but the directors at the time hated the video. They even called it “the worst commercial they had ever seen.” But the same year they made another TV-ad that somebody said … Read More

Apple – The Ultimate Success Story

Apple – The Ultimate Success Story

  Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976 and is today one of the world’s leading multinational technology companies. Their dream was to develop and sell personal computers. The Apple headquarters is based in the city of Cupertino in California and has over 115 000 full time-employee worldwide (number … Read More

Apple is not just a technology company

Apple is not just a technology company

  What is brand loyalty at Apple? The ordinary Apple consumer is known for showing a lot of devotion and loyalty for the brand. This is not a phenomenon that has been developed on Apples late years, but was seen in the early years of the company’s history. Many say that you can divide people … Read More

When MacIntosh and iPhone changed the world

When MacIntosh and iPhone changed the world

  Steve Jobs and Apple’s emergence has for sure changed how we today look at technology and his thoughts and vision changed several industries such as IT, music and mobile industry. The whole journey started in 1984 when the company developed a computer that could be used by ordinary individuals. The computer was called the … Read More

The early life of Steve Jobs

The early life of Steve Jobs

  On the 24th of February in 1955 Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California. As a child, still unnamed, he was put up for adoption by his biological parents, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. It did not take long until the child was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs, who also gave … Read More

Rough periods for Apple

Rough periods for Apple

  Apple is not the Cinderella story we all may see it as, like any company, Apple has ridden its highs and its lows. Steve always had a strong urge to create the best product, but Apple face several problems such as design flaws and power, which led to recalls and consumer disappointment. During 1984 … Read More

About Apple and Steve Jobs

About Apple and Steve Jobs

  Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and they had no idea that their garage-company one day would the number one technology organization worldwide. Today the company has over 115 000 full-time employees, whit a huge headquarter in California and with offices all around the world. Jobs was born in … Read More
